
Docker Compose YML - Application , REDIS , MongoDB

Software systems have become quite complex nowadays. A system may consist of several distributed services, each one providing a specific functionality and being updated independently. Starting the development of a project of such complexity is sometimes time consuming, in particular when you are not already familiar with the software stack you are going to work on. This may be because, most of the time, we need to follow rigorous steps to put together the entire project and if we make a mistake in-between, we may have to start all over again. Below is the YML file for redis, php & mongoDB :  The above yml file explains the 3 services which will create a virtual environment with 3 containers, ie Redis MongoDB Development Application You can write a DockerFile for the application development with nginx server.   The ports & volumes depends on your choices and how well you use it. Please comment on the blog, if you need any help.


  1) Create a new repository git init Git command to init or create new repository  Executing this command creates a local repository with a default  main (or  master ) branch. To connect this local repository to Github, we need to create a remote repository on Github. And connect the remote repository’s origin with the local repository. git remote add origin YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY Git command to add remote origin to the local repository  Finally, push the main branch on Github. git push -u REMOTE-NAME BRANCH-NAME Git command to push the local main branch  Note:   Execute all Git commands via terminal(Linux) or Git Bash(Windows) in the project working directory. 2) Make a new branch The gold standard for implementing a new feature is to create a new branch and put all the code in it. This keeps the existing code safe from bad implementation. git checkout -b NEW-BRANCH-NAME Git command to create a new branch  The checkout command creates the new branch if it d